Call for Master Facilitators
Posted date 5th September, 2024 Last date to apply 23rd September, 2024
Category Training & Development

Call for Master Facilitators

Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI) Project

Timeline: 2024 - 2026

About WaterAid

WaterAid is an international NGO working in 28 countries including Pakistan. Our vision is of a world where everyone everywhere has access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation, and good hygiene. Our mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by enhancing access to improved WASH services. We support local organisations and government authorities to design and demonstrate appropriate, climate-resilient, inclusive, and sustainable WASH programmes. WaterAid also seeks to influence policy change to secure and protect the entitlements of marginalised and vulnerable people to safe, accessible, and affordable drinking water and sanitation services.

 For more information, please visit www.wateraid.org  


The WaterAid Pakistan is launching a new youth leadership project called Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI). It is a three-year project led by British Council in partnership with Government’s Prime Minister’s Youth Development Programme, Higher Education Commission (HEC), WaterAid Pakistan, local CSOs and public universities. The project is co-funded by Qatar based Education Above All Foundation’s programme “Reach Out to Asia”.  

The project will train 90,000 youth from universities and communities in the Global Citizenship Education, leadership, and Climate Action curriculum. These youth will then go out to their communities to carry out Youth Led Climate Actions (YLAs), be involved in policy dialogue and advocacy, participate in national and international climate events, and showcase their successful projects.

The YLAs will focus on the following five thematic areas: 

  • Tree plantation
  • Water conservation
  • Renewable energy
  • Climate education in Schools and colleges
  • Solid waste management


Pakistan is the fifth largest young country in the world and has largest generation of young people ever recorded in national history, 27% are aged between 15 and 29. Large disparities exist among the youth demographic, depending on gender, location, and socio-economic background. Pakistan is one of the five most affected countries by climate change in 21st century. The project will play a key role in creating an enabling environment for equitable inclusion of youth at local, national, and international levels of policy and decision making on climate action leading to implementation of climate mitigation and adaptation approaches.


Young women and men in Pakistan are aware of social and ethical values, and respectful of diversity by taking inclusive and responsible actions to influence local, national, and global sustainable development agenda on climate action.


PYLI project aims to reach young people (age 18 – 24 years) present in rural and semi-urban areas across all four provinces of Pakistan with intersectionality of gender, age, education, socio-economic status, disability, and religion, as well as at-risk youth groups who are directly impacted by climate change and its negative impact on human lives, livelihood and ecosystems.


  • 04 public universities and 07 CSOs in Pakistan have increased capacity on implementing digital and global citizenship education and climate change education offers for young women and men.
  • 11 master facilitators receive training on the nexus approach to climate change and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), enabling them to subsequently cascade their knowledge to 110 facilitators from NGOs and CSOs.
  • 110 facilitators from CSOs and Universities are trained on nexus approach of climate change & WASH
  • 32,000 young women and men are trained blended approach of PYLI and Climate Change & WASH
  • 4000 youth led action projects are carried out from selected thematic areas and regularly monitored and reported


Individuals who are interested in participating in PYLI-Training of Master Facilitators (TOMF) are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to WaterAid Pakistan.

The initial training is scheduled in 1st week of October 2024. 

The objective of this training is to:

  • Develop understanding of master facilitators about WaterAid Pakistan - PYLI programme and the role of WaterAid Pakistan partner organisations in community engagement and climate change.
  • Build the capacity of master facilitators to understand and deliver WaterAid Pakistan - PYLI programme learning framework.
  • Understand WaterAid Pakistan - PYLI programme and climate thematic areas to deliver PYLI trainings to WaterAid Pakistan partner organisations.
  • Support the project and the PYLI delivery partner/team in mentoring the PYLI volunteers in their community engagement and climate change work and implementing Youth Led Actions.
  • Establish master facilitators’ community through networking opportunities



  1. Pakistani national.
  2. Excellent facilitator and trainer: minimum three years of experience in facilitation of trainings.
  3. Good interpersonal skills, good manager of groups, excellent at synthesis and analysis, good presentation skills.
  4. Preferably experience of delivering training of trainers.
  5. Strong sense and understanding of local and national culture.
  6. Excellent communication skills in relation to target audience.
  7. Experience of working on Youth development, climate issues and WASH.
  8. Understanding of and commitment to local community development, local community systems and processes.
  9. Established local and national professional networks.
  10. Available for WaterAid Pakistan Master Facilitators’ Trainings and be able to deliver follow up trainings as a commitment agreed with WaterAid Pakistan.
  11. Updated CV must be shared along with other documents.


  1. Experience of working with the local community to promote youth development, climate mitigation and adaptation approaches.
  2. Experience of mentoring young people in learning and development
  3. Strong English language skills
  4. Strong local language skills

Master Facilitator’s role:

  1. Agree and confirm contract terms and conditions before attending the training.
  2. Attend the five-day WaterAid Pakistan Master Facilitator Training in October 2024.
  3. Deliver the PYLI training component and follow-up modules with the WaterAid Pakistan partner organisations.
  4. Offer feedback on all elements of the programme.
  5. Master facilitators will also have additional tasks as identified by the WaterAid Pakistan including reporting of trainings, debriefing sessions, M&E of capacity building cycle, feedback on training content and participation in events related to facilitators.


WaterAid Pakistan Role:

  1. Provide training opportunities to potential master facilitators if such opportunities available.
  2. Plan training delivery calendar in consultation with master facilitators.
  3. Contract compliance and accountability for delivering PYLI trainings as per the agreed schedule and process with WaterAid Pakistan.
  4. Cover training costs of the workshops including the venue, food, handouts, stationery, and others.    
  5. Pay remuneration for delivering trainings


Key responsibilities of the facilitator will include:

       I.          Develop and agree training plan for the WaterAid Pakistan – PYLI programme with WaterAid Pakistan.

     II.          Facilitate a minimum of four trainings (each training is of 5-days) per annum during October 2024 – December 2026” with WaterAid Pakistan partner organisations in Pakistan. The location of trainings include Quetta, Peshawar, Multan, Lodhran, Karachi and Badin.

Specific tasks include:

  • Agree on WaterAid Pakistan partner organisations training design and programme with WaterAid Pakistan
  • Facilitate agreed sessions during trainings.
  • Review training with co-facilitator and WaterAid Pakistan
  • Report writing
  • Documenting workshop feedback forms
  • Provide mentoring and support to new facilitators in cascading trainings.

The master facilitator is expected to submit a narrative report to the WaterAid Pakistan at the end of each PYLI training. The format of the report is to be agreed with the WaterAid Pakistan.


Please submit the following as part of your EOI by 23rd September 2024 via email to [email protected] with subject “Call for Master Facilitators - Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI) project”

 Your submissions should include following documents:

1-     Complete Application Form

2-     Updated CV

3-     Letter of interest

Apply By:

email to [email protected]
